Terms and Conditions

We provide a 30-minute video conference consultation. The consultation is with either Raúl A. Reichard, Esq., our managing partner or Jacqueline Tornés, Esq., the other founding partner of REICHARD TORNES, PLLC (the “Firm”).

We will discuss your matter and your options going forward. During this consultation, we will provide a non-binding opinion as to the merits of your case. The fee for the consultation is $200.00. The fee is non-refundable.

Following the consultation, if we decide to proceed, we will send an e-mail with an engagement letter. If you hire the Firm within 48 hours of sending the e-mail, we will issue a $200.00 credit on your first invoice. To hire the Firm means to deliver to us the initialed and signed engagement letter agreement and to have the retainer amount paid, both within 48 hours. Additionally, the credit only applies towards an hourly fee arrangement.

Our standard hourly rate is $400.00 and we require a standard non-refundable, earned-upon-receipt retainer of $5,000.00 on all matters. On a case by case basis, we may adjust rates and retainers or provide an alternate fee arrangement.

For conflict check purposes, please provide the name of the opposing or potentially opposing party. Should we determine that there is a conflict pursuant to the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct, we will cancel the consultation and refund the consultation fee.

While the information you share with us during the consultation will remain confidential, the consultation will not create an attorney-client relationship between you and REICHARD TORNES PLLC. Your payment of the consultation fee shall constitute acceptance of the terms contained herein.